
Monarch Featured on New Zealand’s Most Watched TV Show

Written by Monarch Tractor | Oct 10, 2023 8:16:34 PM

In July 2023, at a showcase tech demo in Central Otago, New Zealand, the world’s first 100% electric, driver-optional, smart tractor was deployed at the world’s first 100% electric, zero fossil fuel orchard sparking a wave of excitement and interest across the country. Three months later, that same electric tractor made an appearance on New Zealand’s most-watched television show, Hyundai Country Calendar. 

Powering Up Electrification 

The 20-minute segment, “Electric Cherry,” features an in-depth interview with Mike Casey, owner and operator of Forest Lodge Orchard, a six-hectare (14.8 acres) high-density cherry orchard in New Zealand. Inspired to farm in a way that prioritizes the environment, innovation, and transparency, Casey convinced Monarch Tractor to send him an MK-V tractor so he could complete his vision of becoming what is quite likely, the world’s first farm run entirely on electricity, eliminating petrol and diesel. 

Watch & Learn

One of those synergies is focused on giving Casey the ability to stay profitable while safeguarding his farm’s environmental health, especially when it comes to mowing. Grass is an unwanted by-product of orchards and Casey is using New Zealand’s winter to train the MK-V for autonomous mowing operations for the summer. While watching the MK-V make its driverless passes, you can feel Casey’s enthusiasm as well as that of the host. It’s a display of advanced technology in action, improving profitability, and Casey describes his savings on labor and diesel fuel as significant.  

Viewers outside New Zealand will not have access to the show.